The known surnames of persons in this group to 5th cousin level are; Smith, Sapcote, Palmer, Swift, Woodward & Scotney. The links to the descendant charts related to these matches are Smith, Palmer & Woodward.
There are a number of links to Philip Smith, & Ann Todd, of Market Deeping, from their youngest son Stephen who emigrated to Manitoba, Canada around 1905; including Sarah Allan, and Kelsey Kolench. There are other matches that point to this branch of the family in Canada from the cluster analysis but are not resolved so far and this cluster also includes Palmer lines below.
Another link to the Smiths is via Martha Smith, my grandmother's sister. The tree linked to this result is only at 4/5 cousin level but is from Ronald Philip Gillett, at 4th cousin level from a match to his grand-daughter Rosalyn Payne.
Another strong link is via my grandmother's brother Philip Cornelius Smith, down to Ann Florence Smith, now Yates. It was through a DNA test on her granddaughter, Gemma Louise Jarman.
My grandmother's eldest brother, Herbert Smith has at least 3 matches both on Ancestry and MyHeritage; from his grandson Frederick Herbert Smith which are detailed on his page. The ones on MyHeritage such as Tina F Smith, (Tina Lynch) are large, 113.5cM on 5 segments. The main matches not resolved are on chromosome 11. Another match on MyHeritage, is Keiran Milson also with 68cM on 5 segments, another grandchild of Frederick.
Also at the 4th cousin level is a link to Charlotte Cave, a descendant of Elizabeth Smith, daughter of Joseph Smith & Elizabeth Palmer. Charlotte is descended from William Patchett & Martha Palmer.
The Palmers & Woodwards are found in several DNA links that are partially sorted. They show links to two sisters, Mary & Sarah Woodward who married two half brothers, Philip and William Palmer. These include Rachel Tinworth (who is also a Smith descendant), Iain McLeod, Robert Atkin, Terry Richard Ward and Judy Candy.
The strong matches to the Ward family from Ohio has been confirmed on both Ancestry and MyHeritage to Terry Richard Ward, 1936-2016. Cluster analysis on MyHeritage also suggests other surnames in this group include Tannock & White. Several members of the Ward family have tests on MyHeritage. In this case the matching DNA from both Ancestry and MyHeritage on GEDmatch, show the chromosomes shared with MGJ are; 2, 9.8 & 18.1cM, 17, 8.8cM. However the actual relationship between the individuals are not clear, there are 3 tests and several names.
Another Palmer/Woodward link is to Sophia Palmer, daughter of above via her daughter Mary Ann Pratt, to Robert Frank Atkin. Sophia's sister Harriet is my 2nd g-grandmother and so matches my children & niece. Another match to Sophia is to Heather J Bonney, a match to my niece Elinor only.
A strong Palmer link to another family from Market Deeping and villages to the north has found NO persons in common so far and Richard Derek Ware, the person tested suggests there may be illegitimate or extra-marital reasons! However a tree generated after a cluster analysis suggests this person may be a descendant of Ann Merrill, b. Palmer along with another match labelled jeje66. So more investigation is needed.
The DNA matches associated with thes families on my DNA Painter page shows that there is a very large set of matches involved with this group of families, especially on chromosome 15. I suspect some finer resolution of these families may be possible in the future.
Updated January 2023.