From Essex, Suffolk & Hertfordshire

The known surnames of persons in this group to 5th cousin level are; Harrington, Garner, Franklin, Garling, Camp, Andrews & Seaman. The family trees for this group are Harrington Franklin and Andrews.

Sarah Harrington, was the daughter of James Harrington, & Frances Camp. None of Sarah's siblings have living descendants that I have found. However a link to the grandparents of James, of Charles Harrington & Elizabeth Garner has come to light from a small but documented match to the grand-daughter of Clarence George Whittaker, Alison Senlake.  There may be more such connections not yet elucidated.

Even less is known about Frances Camp, her mother, Martha Andrews, has only recently been identified as a result of a match to a descendant of her sister Sarah, Joyce Nannie Orton. Her father is Thomas Harvey Camp, 1781-1842 and we now know he married Martha Andrews in Saffron Walden in 1804. 

The family as known so far is on the Andrews tree, link above.

The DNA analysis created by DNA Painter is at this link.  Remember that this is a work in progress as more data is added and the way the data is handled may change over time as specific matches are labelled more accurately or reassigned to other lines.

Revised November 2024.